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On our way down to the 2022 Federation of Southern Cooperatives Annual Conference in Alabama, we stopped in Asheville, North Carolina to learn how to clean collard seeds. UCFA partner Chris Smith of the Utopian Seed Project and the Heirloom Collard Project demonstrated a relatively low tech process of cleaning collard seeds. Joining Chris in this seed cleaning session is Pat Battle of Living Web Farms along with Bonnetta Adeeb and Chanda Banks of the Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance. Length
In 2021 The Utopian Seed Project and Communal Studios received a grant from Southern SARE to create a Southeast Seed video series. The project traveled across 12 states and interviewed over 50 farmers, community gardeners, seed savers, seed growers and seed advocates. The footage was weaved together to tell the story and seed saving of six southern crops: corn, okra, southern peas, collards, sweet potatoes and squash. LINK TO SE SEED VIDEO SERIES
This animated video from the Pesticide Action Network provides a quick and easy to understand overview of the effects of multinational chemical domination of global agriculture, and how this affects our food, our health, and traditional farming. LINK TO SEED KEEPERS & TRUTH TELLERS